Film Detail
Runtime (mn)
Release Date
Kou Darachan
Ngoeuy Bunrath
12 តុលា 2023
ផ្ទះមួយខ្នងនេះត្រូវគេដាក់ឈ្មោះថាជាផ្ទះជើងកបដែលជាជម្រកនៃពពួកខ្មោចតៃហោងទាំងអស់ដែលបានស្លាប់ព្រោះតែសម្លាប់ខ្លួន។ រឿងរ៉ាវការស្លាប់ព្យួរកបណ្តាក់គ្នានៅផ្ទះនេះធ្វើអោយគ្រប់គ្នាខ្លាចរអាមិនហ៊ានសូម្បីតែដើរជិត។នីសាបានយករឿងនេះមកគម្រាមសង្សារខ្លួនឯងដោយកុហកថានាងនឹងមកសម្លាប់ខ្លួននៅទីនេះដូចអ្នកផ្សេងទៀតដែរ។ តែចាប់ពីពេលនោះមករឿងរ៉ាវភ័យរន្ធត់វិញ្ញាណខ្មោចតៃហោងទាំងអស់ក៏បានចូលមកពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងពួកគេទាំងពីរពួកគេត្រូវប្រឈមមុខនឹងភាពភ័យខ្លាចទាំងអស់នោះដើម្បីបានជិវិតរស់នៅបន្ត។តើពួកគេអាចឆ្លងកាត់រឿងទាំងនេះបានទេ?
This house was named as the haunted house which is the home of all the vengeful ghosts who committed suicide. The story of the death by hanging the neck in the house keeps haunting everyone. People don’t dare to walk across that house after dark. Neasa used this to threaten her boyfriend by lying that she would come and kill herself here like everyone else. But as soon as those terrifying, spiteful ghosts entered them, they had to face all of their fears in order to survive. Could they get through it?
Production Notes
Executive Producer: Bun Channimol
Production Manager: Bun Chantith
Story Screenplay: Ngoeuy Bunrath
Director: Kou Darachan
Assistant Director: Phim Sonita, Nhoel Sovannary
Director of Photography: Suk Dara
Cameraman: Nan Sophanith
Assistant Camera: Kim Phanith, Tep Daro
Sound Operator: Phim Pailin Lighting: Thy Rong, Pin Peoun, Sao Phon
Prop Designs: Nhoel Sovannary, Sao Phon, Tep Daro
Makeup Artist: Khly Sokleap
Costume Design: Thuch Sreyleak, Kun Chanry
Cast: Vann David,Seam Pisey,Samnang Viza, And other special guests
Business Details
+855 89 51 93 65
House 53A, Street 3, Ou Baek K'AM, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Sunday: Closed